Ambient News

We live in a world driven by instant information 24 hours a day. Gone are the days when families sit around a television or radio and listen to the news. I don’t have cable, so I seek out the news daily online. From time to time, I have to step away from the news because…

Mindful Monday #89 – You Are NOT Your Story

It’s already November! I can’t believe how fast the year has gone, but I sure felt every bit of the year. This time last year, I was working with Awaken Arts, a non-profit organization that believes that creativity is a catalyst for healing the soul. We work with at-risk teens to help them look at…

Called to Rest

I’m sitting in a Starbucks in the southwest as I write. Life is simpler, easier. Miles away are the busy, crowded streets of Los Angeles. I am home. I have fond memories here and I come back often to see my family and friends. I am here to center myself and gain clarity for my next…


NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) starts tomorrow. This past Wednesday, I found out that this event exists and I have never heard of it before. I already wanted to focus the month on writing daily, so coming across this event felt serendipitous. November will be a big month for me for writing with this challenge,…

My Body Is My Temple

“My Body is my Temple,” is the phrase on my 2015 vision board. When we think about a temple we think about something that is well taken care of and sacred. I have been focusing on my health since I moved to Los Angeles, but really started to make better strides toward it these past…

Wisdom Wednesdsay #52 – How Stress Effect’s Your Body

My position on my last show ended this past Friday. By midday, of my last day, I started feeling sick. Both of my supervisors thought that it was because my body was winding down from it’s need to be “on” for the demands of the show. I did what I could to balance work and…

Tune Tuesday #18 – I Won’t Back Down

It’s Tuesday and I feel exhausted. I spent 80% of the weekend resting from the stress of the last month of work. I have not felt tired like this in a long time. I feel like your body feels when you have a cold, but without the cold. I usually do well at listening to…

Mindful Monday #88 – Old Habits Keep You Small

My voice class is  an awareness class in relation to the body, voice and emotion. How your physical body feels, your state of mind and your emotion all affect how you communicate. This goes beyond tone, but deeper into the physical mechanics of the voice. When it comes to being vulnerable my voice gets small…

Production Wrap

Today is the last day of work on my current show. I haven’t had time to let the end settle in my mind because of the high demands. My department never had a chance to breathe, but we banded together and worked through the challenges. This particular movie has a special meaning to me because…