Breakeven pt. III

The first breakup that I wrote about in Breakeven pt II was very difficult for me. A sliver of it stayed with me up to My Month of Writing. I believed I experienced my one shot at love and I felt it was wasted on someone who didn’t appreciate me or know how to fully…

Breakeven pt. II

Two weeks ago I scratched the surface on break ups with Breakeven pt. I. Once a relationship ends it feels like there is a real or imagined imbalance between the parties involved e.g. one person grieves more or dates right away and sometime one person finds their future spouse. We all grieve in different ways, When…

The Side Effects of Breakeven pt. I

Breakeven pt. I had a surprisingly deep impact on me this week and led me on an unexpected journey. I am genuinely speechless. It was my intention from the start to take my writing down a different path than what I published, but I trusted where my writing naturally went and I followed it. I…

Breakeven pt. I

When I first heard Breakeven by the script, I thought it was brilliant. To my knowledge it was the first song that addressed the unbalance of a breakup. “I’m still alive but I’m barely breathing […]  [S]he’s moved on while I’m still grieving. [W]hen a heart breaks no it don’t break even.” -“Breakeven” by the…