Tune Tuesday # 58 – We Can Work It Out

It’s Tuesday and boy do we need music now more than ever. Instead of drowning out the noise, we need to cut through it because the noise can over take us or even overwhelm up. Even though I have a mindfulness and meditation practice, I find myself challenged to remain calm and at peace at…

What Needs to Be Felt

My sisters best friend lost her mother this week. It was quite sudden. At the end of last week I learned her mother was in the hospital with an infection. On Tuesday I learned she had passed. Loosing someone at anytime of your life is never easy, regardless of age. There is never a good…

Mindful Monday #182 – Significant Relationships

Happy Labor Day! This morning started unplanned and showed me that beauty often emerges from that space. I woke up naturally this morning at 5:30am. I hoped my body would go back to sleep, but I started to reflect on moments and understandings of my year of you. About a month ago, my mom asked…

Mindful Monday #181 – Restore Balance

Happy Monday! As summer winds down we may find ourselves at the start of something new. We may have a new schedule or be at a new school/ career or in a new home or city. Or maybe we are experiencing life without someone like a parent, friend, a partner or a special co-worker. Or…

Mindful Monday #175 – Play Ball

I know I made the right choice. I know I am on the right path. This part of my life is over. Last week, I felt this finality for the first time and I have felt it every day since. I knew I was leaving, since October, and it gave me time to say my goodbyes….

Wisdom Wednesday #87 – The Person You Should Really Marry

“I married everyone in sight except the one person I needed to marry to have a great relationship.” – Tracy McMillan It’s Wednesday and Valentine’s and boy do I have a wisdom for you! This is one of the best wisdoms that emerged when I meditated on marriage last year. That meditation brought so much…