The Next Time You Fail, Try This.

I tried. I failed. I was devastated. When I left my career in 2018, I followed what I felt was my calling. The road has not been easy. It has been filled with a lot of twists and turns. After almost two years of schooling, I flushed out my idea and felt grounded in research….

Rise from the Mud

The only way is both through the struggle and up. May we choose this course.​

Mindful Monday #165 – Set An Intention

Happy Monday! As you are probably well aware, today was a solar eclipse. I hope you were able to step away from work or your necessary tasks and pause to experience th eclipse. Also occurring today is a new moon. New moons are a great time to set intentions for new habits, thoughts, energy shifts…

Mindful Meditation #138 – Live in Nonresistance

My life is accelerating… all at once. I can hardly catch my breath. I hardly have enough time to rest. I feel like I am being pushed and pulled at the same time and in the same direction. I have never been in this space before. I have been pushed or pulled, but never at the…

Tune #40 – Oh!

“Nothing in my life has changed this year with the exception of [one thing].” My friend told me as we caught up last week. Even though I started the conversation, I deliberately did not share any or all my good news. I did not tell her I was the happiest I have ever been, that…

Mindful Monday #131 – Radical Acceptance

The way I talk about life anymore sounds like a Hallmark card. I have expressed so much gratitude about life and it’s beauty, to my friends, family and the universe. While I speak, I find myself assessing my words and comparing them to the old way I used to talk about life. My words were once…

Mindful Monday 128# – Laugh

I have been working a live event since Thursday. (Examples of live events are concerts, conferences, seminar, conventions etc.) This is the third event I have done in my career and it’s different then what I am used to from a movie production stand point. There have been moments of frustration and confusion do to lack of…

Mindful Monday #125 – Pause

Pauses are wonderful. Pause for a moment. Now pause for 5 minutes. How do you feel? The weekend is a pause from the week. A vacation is a pause from our daily lives. Even when we are breathing, once we have in hailed a full breath there is a slight pause before we exhale. Our breath is so seamless that we…