Awakened In Loving Gratitude

I am wide awake. I facilitated a night time Yoga Nidra for my sister (the doc student) on Tuesday, before she left town to go back home. After the Nidra, I gave myself time to wind down and reset before I went to sleep. As I laid down to sleep thoughts circled my mind. I…

I am Thankful for: Ordinary Moments

This time of my life feels like true Technicolor. Dorothy left Kansas and stepped into colorful, vibrant OZ.  That is the best description I have that describes how rich, flavorful and vibrant this season is for me. I have not appreciated this season in the way I appreciate it now. OZ was a dream for…

I am Thankful for: My Return

It’s past midnight on Wednesday night, yet I am wide awake. I just wrapped a six-week, eye-opening course about the Hero’s Journey. This class was one of the best classes I have taken in my history of education, workshops, conferences and spiritual classes. As a mindfulness blogger I am committed to speaking my truth and…

Tune #52 – Might Not Like Me

Last week was challenging. I had an aha moment last Tuesday night, that I did not give the full space it needed to breathe. I woke up the next day to a new aha moment, which demanded immediate attention and expression. My Wednesday was spent being gentle to myself, slowing down and taking it easy. In school, I learned…

I’m Thankful for: Place and Time

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling the most rested I’ve felt in two weeks. In recent weeks I would wake up in the middle of the night or twice in a night then go back to sleep. Or I would sleep through the night, but wake up early (between the hours of 4am – 6am)…

A Heart At Peace

One week ago I was in Los Angeles to celebrate my birthday. I wanted to travel for my birthday last year, but work got in the way. The weeks that led up to my recent birthday, I realized I wanted to celebrate somewhere else. Why go back to LA? I wanted to visit brother Teddy…

Tune Tuesday #51 – By the Way, I Forgive You

“By the Way, I Forgive You” this line, from the song Every Time I Hear That Song by Brandi Carlile, echoed in my mind immediately after I first heard the song. There is something about her voice, coupled with the melody and the lyrics that sounds so familiar. In fact, when I first heard the song, I…

Mindful Monday #182 – Significant Relationships

Happy Labor Day! This morning started unplanned and showed me that beauty often emerges from that space. I woke up naturally this morning at 5:30am. I hoped my body would go back to sleep, but I started to reflect on moments and understandings of my year of you. About a month ago, my mom asked…