Mindful Monday #172 – Your Untapped Strength

Happy Monday! I stepped into my 2nd yoga class of 2018. Class provided space for a humbling and empowering realization that I did not see it coming. During the last few hours, on the last day of my silent meditation, which was the first day of the new year, I hurt my right foot. We required…

Power Thought #1 – Honor Your Strength and Power

I meditated this morning, for the first time in months. I had forgotten how powerful intentional moments of silence is when it’s practiced. In a few weeks my friend and I will teach a yoga and meditation workshop on the throat chakra. In preparation, I opened up an ongoing meditation or in my case a dialogue with the…

Wisdom Wednesday #70 – Why Do We Do What We Do?

Happy Wednesday! This summer I started reading a book called Eastern Body, Western Mind. The book details psychological human development with the chakra system. It is one of my all time favorite books. I had to stop reading because of the depth of it’s truth. This weekend, I reopened the book and started to re-read the chapter on…

Women & the Solar Plexus

In order to do it all (only if you want to do it all) you must take care of yourself first, honor your power, renew your energy and take all the rest you need.

Mindful Monday #124 – I Love Unconditionally

I’m still reading Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith. It’s starting to give me gray hairs because of it’s depth and honesty. The chapter I recently read is on the fourth chakra aka Heart Chakra which is in the center of the chest. When the heart chakra is deficient someone may be antisocial, critical, judgmental, intolerant, fear intimacy…

Mindful Monday #123 – I Love and Accept Myself

I have been trying to diligently write a book for the past few weeks. While I am writing, I am in a place of surrender. New insights have emerged along with memories I had long forgot about. I know I am uncovering something or being lead somewhere valuable for my writing or the next chapter of my life. I…

Mindful Monday #122 – I Am Unique and Joyful

It’s Monday. July kicks off my 2nd month of being in the “middle of nowhere”. My intention for this time is to write my first book and set the foundation for new or improved habits for the next five to ten years of my life. The trial and error to balance a daily morning routine has been insightful. Being…

Mindful Monday #75 – Resonate

Happy Monday! I have been studying improv for almost three years. While I have noticed and written about my growth in my daily life as a result of improv, I have failed to see my growth inside the class room. In the beginning, I often had to remind myself that I am a novice in…