Rise from the Mud

The only way is both through the struggle and up. May we choose this course.​

Dare to Be Real

Social distancing is asking us to be real in ways that is proving to be a challenge.

Mindful Monday #187 – Breathe

Happy Monday! I understand it can be challenging to find happiness on a Monday such as this in the middle of a pandemic. The life that we have grown accustomed to is disrupted by COVID -19 which has brought about a lot of uncertainty, events postponed or canceled, businesses temporarily closed, some of us working…

Mindful Monday #183 – The Backburner

Wisdom is everywhere. We hear it from our teachers or parents/ guardians when we are young. We gain wisdom with each experience we have from childhood and beyond. We may read wisdom in poems or books or hear it in lectures or conversations. We may even speak our personal wisdom to our friends and colleagues….

Mindful Monday #181 – Restore Balance

Happy Monday! As summer winds down we may find ourselves at the start of something new. We may have a new schedule or be at a new school/ career or in a new home or city. Or maybe we are experiencing life without someone like a parent, friend, a partner or a special co-worker. Or…

Mindful Monday #175 – Play Ball

I know I made the right choice. I know I am on the right path. This part of my life is over. Last week, I felt this finality for the first time and I have felt it every day since. I knew I was leaving, since October, and it gave me time to say my goodbyes….

Mindful Monday #174 – Driven By Greed

It’s an ugly word, with an unflattering meaning, yet more and more people are dancing with G R E E D and getting into bed with it these days. The desire to have power over others via money, taking others power or silencing is driven and rooted in the ego. The Ego’s Mantra, when it…