Rise from the Mud

The only way is both through the struggle and up. May we choose this course.​

Wisdom Wednesday #87 – Embrace Life

I have felt sadness lately. On Monday one of my girlfriends messaged me to let me know that a woman that we both follow via social media died. As soon as I read her message I felt the sudden punch of shock. I was first introduced to this women through her father, John Wineland, who…

Mindful Monday #178 – What is Right?

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe Out. We have had a lot of challenging news, over the past few weeks. It feels like it’s all becoming far too common. I was trained in Level 1 of Trauma Resiliency in March, and since then trauma is another lens in which I see the world. I hope…

Year of You

I am a few hours away from what I call the year of you. This journey I am about to embark on has officially been nine months in the making, unofficially four years in the making and in reality it has taken the span of my life to date. Every aspect of myself and life…

Desired Horizons

“I’m not happy with work.” “I’ve been thinking about moving.” These quotes are a tiny sample of what people have shared with me after I told them I am leaving. I wonder, if everyone in my life is in the same place as me? Or is my truth creating space for others to share their…

Mindful Monday #164 – Go Towards the Wound

I don’t know where to begin? I keep meditating on the events of the weekend. I could hear my friends pain, fear and anger in their facebook posts. My first meditation was posted on my personal facebook page.  I called for my friends to be mindful of their words and actions. Pain and fear can…

I Haven’t Been my Best Self lately.

I haven’t been my best self lately. This year has been the perfect balance between yin and yang, dark and bright, heavy and light and good and bad. In other words, this year has been neutral. I have been neutral. The light, bright and good has been my evenings and weekends filled with rest, family,…