The Union of Love and Peace

I am in a current month long Meditation on Love and Peace. Since the month began, I have been sharing a wisdom a day on Instagram. Since February 2015, I have dedicated the month to writing about Love. I first wrote a series of posts about different types of love, which evolved into a weekly…

Mindful Monday #181 – Restore Balance

Happy Monday! As summer winds down we may find ourselves at the start of something new. We may have a new schedule or be at a new school/ career or in a new home or city. Or maybe we are experiencing life without someone like a parent, friend, a partner or a special co-worker. Or…

Mindful Monday #178 – What is Right?

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe Out. We have had a lot of challenging news, over the past few weeks. It feels like it’s all becoming far too common. I was trained in Level 1 of Trauma Resiliency in March, and since then trauma is another lens in which I see the world. I hope…

30 Days of Prayer : Violence

Happy Friday! Today’s prayer and meditation really moved me. As I start to step out into a leadership role to build community, I am starting to think about the people that I have met and the stories they have shared with me. The stories that stand out the most are the most challenging moments of…

Prayers Guided by the Universe

I am moving. It is happening in only 25 days. I left space, these past three moths, for my life or the universe to keep me in Los Angeles. Every time I meditated on it, it was affirmed that it is time for me to move. Even towards the middle of February, I started to…

30 Days of Prayer

It’s March! The year is flying. This may be the fastest year I have ever experienced. I really enjoyed my Love and Attachment meditation last month. I have so much joy in my heart from it, sitting with love was amazing and understanding it deeper is everything. I am proud of that meditation. I felt…

Wisdom Wednesday #86 – What Does Love Look Like?

It’s Wednesday, February 28th and the last day of my Love and Attachment Meditation, which was exclusive to Instagram. I am both excited and a little sad that this is the end of this meditation series. When I set out to meditate daily on Love and Attachment, I was unsure. Could I meditate on this…

Wisdom Wednesday #87 – The Person You Should Really Marry

“I married everyone in sight except the one person I needed to marry to have a great relationship.” – Tracy McMillan It’s Wednesday and Valentine’s and boy do I have a wisdom for you! This is one of the best wisdoms that emerged when I meditated on marriage last year. That meditation brought so much…