I’m Thankful for: Place and Time

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling the most rested I’ve felt in two weeks. In recent weeks I would wake up in the middle of the night or twice in a night then go back to sleep. Or I would sleep through the night, but wake up early (between the hours of 4am – 6am)…

Soulful Cries

I’ve been very emotional these past two weeks. This past week alone I’ve cried almost every day. If I cried in public, it might alarm people because of the depth of my tears. Amaya Angelou in her poem “Still I Rise” would call my tears “soulful cries”. As you read this, you may think that…

When Did We Grow Numb?

I’ve been carrying sadness in my heart. When I focus on what lead to this sadness I get angry, and by the end of the retelling of the story or when I recall that moment, sadness comes over me again. On Monday, I wrote about frustrations that are calling me to reboot my life to…

A Leader will Emerge

We are at the start of something new. Change can be difficult. Many long for days past. Those who live in the past or deeply try to hold on to what was are missing the essence of life. Life is constant change. Life never holds on to the past, if it did we would just…

The Year of Adventure

Happy New Year! It’s 2017!!! I hope your 2016 ended well with peaceful resolve on the hard moments and experiences of your year.  I hope you had profound realizations on ways that you have grown, or need to grow and the ways you are or need to be nurtured and loved. My 2016 was great…

Mindful Monday #139 – Baby Steps

It’s Monday! I have a week left of wrap on my current movie. Then I am unemployed the rest of the year until the next movie comes my way. I plan to use my down time to write and redirect aspects of my life towards my bigger picture. Working a freelance life takes discipline. You…

Blind Trust

I’m filled with emotion. I just saw a screening of a movie that I worked on last fall, called “La La Land”. It was amazing and is perhaps the best movie I have worked on in my career. The cinematography and art direction is beautiful, the story a universal story – that everyone can relate to and…

Tune #39 – Hope Will Lead Us On

“[This song] made me think of you and your journey,” brother Teddy texted me one afternoon in February.  He sent a link to the song, “Hope Will Lead Us On,” by the Barlow Girl. When I received that text that day, the timing was perfect. I never visited nor did I have a desire to visit Las Vegas prior…